Saturday, June 30, 2018

Number 9

ok, so I was not planning on doing anything today as TODAY, not Sunday, is the Sabbath and the day of rest but I had a couple of things that had to be done today.
I have one week of work in, Monday through Friday. I do not work on Saturday or Sunday.
Speaking of Sunday. How do you think the day of rest got changed in people's mind? According to many, it goes back to when Constantine founded the Catholic Church and the worship of the Sun.

I was eh on this but have read in many sources and heard from various people that is WAS the start of making Sunday a "holy" day.
I have been reading Leviticus and made some correlations Between practices in the Catholic Church and parts of the Old and New Testaments. Still have not gotten to concrete "sun worshipping" other then general books and talking to people. I am looking into it though.
Why? I was raised catholic. My parents were catholic and my brother and most of his children are catholic. I consider myself "non-denominational" means I have faith and belief but do not follow organized doctrine. Try it, you'll like it. Aside from people bugging you ot go to church "because fellowship is important" Yea I am not that fond of people.
Back to Leviticus and what i see as partial foundation of Catholic Practices.
What I get from Leviticus . People shall go to the priests and confess their sins and offer sacrifice unto the Lord which shall be given to the priests to be made into burnt, grain, sin offerings.
The priests at this time are Aaron and his sons, to be continued throughout the sons of their children,etc...
This is going ot confession in the Catholic church. Telling the priest your sins, he gives you whatever penance to fill, and then he acts as a go between (Aaron and his sons had this function) to absolve the sins of the penitent.
Clothing, the different robes and cassocks or whatever you want to call them worn by members of the Catholic order today as compared to what was written in the Bible. This is an excerpt from the Bible from Exodus which is the book before Leviticus.
And these are the garments which they shall make; a breastplate, and an ephod, and a robe, and a broidered coat, a mitre, and a girdle: and they shall make holy garments for Aaron thy brother, and his sons, that he may minister unto me in the priest's office.
Watch a Catholic ceremony sometime or a mass given by the pope, see how hte clothing is so similar.
That is 2 parts of the similarities I have found. I have one more and then some other discussion and probably later, as I read more, I will post more blogs of similarities I find between what isin the bible and what I have seen in whatever religion.
3rd point. From Leviticus, all this is from the KJV, And the remainder thereof shall Aaron and his sons eat: with unleavened bread shall it be eaten in the holy place; in the court of the tabernacle of the congregation they shall eat it.
Unleavened bread. The wafers priests pass out at the front or altar of the church for people to take. These parts of the Old Testament taken and put into a from of ceremony by the Catholic church.
But there is also elements of the New Testament involved in these ceremonies and masses.
 this is getting long so i am going to quit here but when i do get back to this, I will (I will write other blog posts in between) write what i see of this and also hope to have more of the "sun" worship part.
I do think that the Catholic Church wants to cover all possibilities so is combining elements of Old and new testament and possibly of "sun or moon or whatever other worshil there was at the time of Constantine's founding of the church.

Monday, June 25, 2018


Monday, June 25th, Started work today. I worked 4 hours. currently 4 hours mon-wed and 4 and a half thu-fri. but start another client tomorrow so will have more hours to add then. it was alright.
I like knowing that by next month I will be paying my own bills, buying my own food, etc....

Friday, June 22, 2018


this is number seven. Minus Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. You just get me and my thoughts. You lucky, lucky people.
Ok so I have a job that I start on Monday. It is not a cashier job but it is something new, job wise so i will be adding to my many a varied work experience. < Bus driver, trash truck driver, prison guard, cashier, delivery driver, newspaper inserter. all kinds of jobs.
The mayors of New York, Los Angeles, and Seattle showed up at a detention facility and tried to gain access without prior notification or permission, along with a media crew. FUCKING ATTENTION WHORES. I have worked in a prison. You CANNOT gain access to a secure facility without permissions and prior notifications. Safety and security issues ,people. These "politicians" KNOW this.
Come to Pan-Tex and try that shit, or any prison facility. Children in htis country get taken from their parents EVERY DAY. Break the law, lose your kids. not matter what race or nationality. Whenever there is something that the government is trying ot hide, you get prolonged media coverage of  bullshit. Ask yourself, why, when this has been policy for more then a decade, is it suddenly ALL over the networks? What is happening that the government is trying to hide and keep the people of this country learning?Trust nothing.
Timing and the grace of GOD. I was driving down a street yesterday and got to a stop light and ran out of gas. I got out and got the next car coming behind me to get over. The driver asked did i need a jump and i said no. I ran out of gas. The second car coming up was a police car. The officer got out and another officer drove up and and man came from the convenience store that i was next to and hte officers blocked a lane and stopped traffic coming through and the  man and an officer got my truck turned around and pushed it across the lanes into the parking lot and around to where the gas pumps were. Took maybe 10-15 minutes from the time my truck quit to where i was by the gas pumps. The whole part of serve behind protect and serve. Wonderful response from local police and people in general.
I am exceeding happy to be starting a job. I do not know what my pay is hourly or when i will get my first check but I do know that it is paid on a wednesday every 2 weeks but i think that it is held one check back so I may have 2 pay periods before i get paid. Still, I will be able to get caught up on my bills and save up to get electricity again, and then start paying back my sister and my niece for the help they have given me.
Be grateful and thankful for what you have and what you get. Any job is a good job until you find hte job you want.
Ran into a friend of mine today that I had not seen in a while. She had been sick and had lost a lot of weight. I told her she looked good but she said, well I want o gain weight again. I asked her why but then said "if it makes you happy, whatever you want" and she said yes, I would rather be fat and happy then skinny and miserable. Her husband loves her either way. She asked what I was doing now and I told her I start this job Monday. I asked what she was doing and she said Staying home with the kids. Are you happy? Yes. And that is ALL that matters .Be happy in what you do and in your life.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Got the application for home health aide yesterday. 74 pages. realized when i got to page 54 that I really did not need to fill out everything.
I will return it today. I also got a post from a friend yesterday about a cashier job so while i am most likely going to start doing home care, I am going to apply for the cashier job.
Oh my gosh it has RAINED today. We are under drought conditions here so the rain is amazing.
I have cats. All day yesterday, i had not seen one of my cats. Went out and looked and called him. As of this time today. he is still gone. very unhappy about that.
So hey, no one has won the mega millions or the powerball lately. Go buy a ticket. Being as how I am broke and jobless, I am unable but someone should grab the chance. Good Luck to you.
Was at my sister's this morning ( an every morning thing) for coffee and she was watching a video of one of the debates between trump and clinton and when he said if he made the laws, she would be in jail, I laughed so much. Yea old news but since i was not interested in voting for either of them, I never watched their shows.
Speaking of shows, i have also never seen avatar so my sister borrowed it and we started watching it last night. will finish watching it tonight. eh-eh. reason I had never seen it is because i was not interested but when the girl told him he was stupid and it was his fault the "dogs" were dead and that it was a sad thing and he should learn to live with nature, it was very good.
What brought up me never have seen the movie was a quiz my sister took "can oyu identify these movies?" 30 movies. She nailed thme ALL. I had seen 4. Not a tv/ movie person apparently.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


it is Tuesday, June 19th at 10:30 a.m.
I had not had any jobs leads for a couple of days but I ogt a message from the meat processing plant yesterday and htye are going through applications now and if they decide to set up an interview, they will contact me again. I also got 2 applications , one for a dishwasher and one for a resale store. A friend also gave me a number to call for a home health aide. Went to the restaurant that needed a dish-washer and htey had hied someone for that job but still needed a cook.
As posted previously, nope, not cooking or handling other people's food. She gave me an application for dishwasher anyway, in case the job comes open again. At hte resale store. I was told that the director would not be back until thursday so I will take the application back then.
I am going to call about the home health aide job today as well. Any job is a good job until a better one comes along. Still no food service though. I will cook at home for friends and family but not for people I do not know.
Was talking to my sister about the meat processing plant messaging me and she is not fond of the idea. What if someone brings in a deer to be processed? Yea I remember hte first time i saw a deer hanging to bleed out and be done. it was about 337 years ago. Still get ewww memories. But it is a job.
Would like the resale shop job. But any job at the moment. Except mcd's, taco bell, or restaurant cooking/ waitress.

Saturday, June 16, 2018


How do people do this everyday? here goes. I post on face book a lot about needing a job and lloking for a job and where i have applied, etc... SO you know that facebook and other websites take you most common used words and give suggestions and ads based on what you type. So lately I have been getting posts from facebook careers so I checked it out and all the jobs are in austin. I however am NOT in austin.
Yesterday got a suggested post about a company in borger who needs pipefitters. Nice but I am not a welder. I am thinking about looking into getting my cdl again because truck drivers are always needed. I also joked about going to welding school so I could get the pipefitter job, but no.
I was unable to apply anywhere yesterday because there were no new jobs online at facebook or at indeed. however, today, there was a job at indeed for taco bell. sorry but food service IS the one job I cannot handle. I am willing to do just about anything else, i drove a trash truck, I applied at a meat packing plant a few days ago, but cooking and handling other people's food, uh-uh.
So seems i am not applying anywhere today either. :(
I get by, thanks to my sister and my niece but I still NEED to pay my property taxes. that is my biggest worry. I want a job to catch up on my bills, pay my property taxes, possibly get electricity again, and pay back my sister and my niece while buying my own food, pet food, and paying my current bills.
I am basically a cashier and i am a good cashier but then it is not a hard job. scanning items and bagging them, taking money and giving change. hardest part is dealing with people with bad moods.
I am getting better at that too, i have at time thrown people out of the store and refused to sell to people but as I age, i am letting more stuff slide over me. Plus I no longer want to be in ANY managerial position so I do not have to deal with issues that lead to having people thrown out and banned from the store. Seen the job, know the job, do not want the job.
Just give me a nice, easy cashier job for about 20 - 25 hours a week and it will all be good.

Friday, June 15, 2018


The bible is history. Read it as a history book. Read it for inspiration. Whatever your reason, read it. I view it as history and wanting to learn. But there is so much htat is NOT in hte bible, there are many more books not included. Look up hte Ethiopic bible. it has the most books. The dead sea scrolls. Book of Jubilees, all this. Read old bibles and then newer versions and see how people change and edit it to suit themselves, just as schoolbooks on history or changed and edited to suit current ideals. you CANNOT change or edit history. it HAPPENED, whether YOU like it or not.
Money, money is hte problem of just about everything. How does money make you happy? IT cannot. it is a thing, a concept. People are all about making money, but what good is having money if you don't spend it. Do good with it, help people, that is how to be happy, not buy buying things to take up space and waste your time.
The program where you can buy farm animals for people in Africa and places like that, that is a good use of money. improving housing for poor people, buying food for old people who cannot get out and are reliant on social security, etc...
HELP people.
So as i have been looking for a job, because i also have a need for money to pay my bills and property taxes and repay the people who have been paying my bills while i have no income, I have been getting posts from facebook on facebook careers, yes but htey are in Austin and I am not in Austin. So yesterday i got a "suggestion" about creating a fundraiser for friends, family, or even myself. uh-huh. Yes i post about looking fora job and needing money, but really, creating a fundraiser for myself. NO. Zuckerberg, if you want, just send me a few thousand, maybe 5, and i can get ALL caight up and then take that online course on medical transcription htat i keep getting the post on, how does that sound?

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Today is Thursday June 14, 2018. I am still jobless. I applied to a meat processing plant yesterday. I am really looking for work. Today I applied to a local convenience store which is more what i do, i am a cashier.
Had my morning visit and coffee with my sister. We discussed Donald Trump.
I did NOT vote for either Trump or Clinton. I wrote in my candidate who obviously lost but got a post with Trump, although not the one I think he should have, but it is good.
I had SERIOUS doubts about Trump but i am slowly coming to think he is actually doing some good. Things are changing.
There were 4 people who looked at my post yesterday. Did you visit my sister's blog? I know the link does not work but copy and paste, people.
Those of you who do not read the bible. Look at it as a history book. It IS history. The book of Jasher that my sister loaned is VERY interesting.
Do oyu ever read an author and really like the book so you get others and they are eh-eh. I did and then thought, well these other books were previous and he has grown in his writing. Nope, the eh-eh books were later publications. :(
I read a LOT. really nothing else to do beside look for a job. i try to apply to at least one company a day, sometimes several more.
The hunt continues but i am feeling positive about the convenience store job.
I cannot say I will make a post every day but probably whenever the library is open and I stop by, or until i find a job to make myself gainfully employed and occupied.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Starting Over

Last week, I suggested my sister start a blog. this is a link:
so i htought, hey i should post on my blog a bit. so today I came and deleted ALL my past posts and am starting over. and if i had more time, i would write more, but maybe tomorrow.
Y'all have a good day and hey, tomorrow is friday. think happy thoughts.
So i gave myself more time.
because I can do that.
I am currently jobless although i have been applying everywhere i can, even jobs i have no clue about, for a couple of months now. i really need a job.
about me, besides being jobless and having a sister. I also have a brother, and another sister and brother who are no longer living. Both of my parents are dead. I have dogs and cats as house pets and have opossums and stray cats outside.
I own my house and my truck. I have no electricity because could not pay the bill, being jobless but thanks to my sister ,I still have gas and water. you can live without electricity but you need water and gas to heat the water. my sister also pays for my feed food. I owe her a lot.
anyone reading this who knows of a job in hte Texas panhandle area, share. I need a job.
I love coffee, i have diabetes, which sucks, have had it to my knowledge about 3 years, or htat is when i got so sick i had to be hospitalized and it was discovered. I just to live on chocolate and now it is a NO. plus side. i have lost weight, because I stopped eating it (chocolate) and MANY other things. so much you can't eat when diabetic because most things turn into sugar or have sugar in them. ugh.
I am almost 50. next year. I have no kids but i have dogs and cats so just about the same.
shut up. YES they are.
I am on facebook almost every day, when the library is open.
I read a LOT.
I read in the bible every day and am currently also reading the book of Jasher which my sister ( her blog link up there, check it out) loaned me. I usually read either science fiction or mystery novels. I say science fiction but SO much is lumped into that category which I personally believe does not belong, i really read fantasy and futuristic books. books about robots and such really not my thing.
I have several nieces and nephews, who also have children of their own.
happens with age.
I am getting old and if you are lucky, it will (or unlucky, depending on your view) happen to oyu.
 I am losing my eyesight  but that is a combination of age AND diabetes.
I used to have a cdl which if I still had it, would be automatic job, but I l like doing new things so I gave it up and moved to other jobs. someone called me a job hopper. I have had a few jobs, done many things. the longest i held a job was 5 and a half years and that was here at the library.
shortest was about 3 months.
I have a thing about NOT making or handling other people's food so no restaurant work for me.
as posted up there, you will know I live in Texas but I have lived in other states.
I have traveled to Mexico, duh, Texas/ Mexico, usually a given. With my sister (check out her blog) I have gone to England and Wales. Love Wales, go there if you can.
would like to go back to Cardiff and would also like to visit Scotland. my sister wants to go to Israel and Iceland. I would like to see the Sea of Galilee where Jesus was a fisherman.
here is so much history and fascinating places to visit, you can only do so much but that is why you should read. If you can't go, you can still learn about them.
BTW, if you are atheist and reading this, my blog, keep your opinions to yourselves or make your own blog. this one is mine, therefore it has what I think and want it to have in it.
well this sucker is pretty long and i could keep typing but i will go now and hope y'all visit my sister's blog.