Friday, June 15, 2018


The bible is history. Read it as a history book. Read it for inspiration. Whatever your reason, read it. I view it as history and wanting to learn. But there is so much htat is NOT in hte bible, there are many more books not included. Look up hte Ethiopic bible. it has the most books. The dead sea scrolls. Book of Jubilees, all this. Read old bibles and then newer versions and see how people change and edit it to suit themselves, just as schoolbooks on history or changed and edited to suit current ideals. you CANNOT change or edit history. it HAPPENED, whether YOU like it or not.
Money, money is hte problem of just about everything. How does money make you happy? IT cannot. it is a thing, a concept. People are all about making money, but what good is having money if you don't spend it. Do good with it, help people, that is how to be happy, not buy buying things to take up space and waste your time.
The program where you can buy farm animals for people in Africa and places like that, that is a good use of money. improving housing for poor people, buying food for old people who cannot get out and are reliant on social security, etc...
HELP people.
So as i have been looking for a job, because i also have a need for money to pay my bills and property taxes and repay the people who have been paying my bills while i have no income, I have been getting posts from facebook on facebook careers, yes but htey are in Austin and I am not in Austin. So yesterday i got a "suggestion" about creating a fundraiser for friends, family, or even myself. uh-huh. Yes i post about looking fora job and needing money, but really, creating a fundraiser for myself. NO. Zuckerberg, if you want, just send me a few thousand, maybe 5, and i can get ALL caight up and then take that online course on medical transcription htat i keep getting the post on, how does that sound?

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