Thursday, June 14, 2018


Today is Thursday June 14, 2018. I am still jobless. I applied to a meat processing plant yesterday. I am really looking for work. Today I applied to a local convenience store which is more what i do, i am a cashier.
Had my morning visit and coffee with my sister. We discussed Donald Trump.
I did NOT vote for either Trump or Clinton. I wrote in my candidate who obviously lost but got a post with Trump, although not the one I think he should have, but it is good.
I had SERIOUS doubts about Trump but i am slowly coming to think he is actually doing some good. Things are changing.
There were 4 people who looked at my post yesterday. Did you visit my sister's blog? I know the link does not work but copy and paste, people.
Those of you who do not read the bible. Look at it as a history book. It IS history. The book of Jasher that my sister loaned is VERY interesting.
Do oyu ever read an author and really like the book so you get others and they are eh-eh. I did and then thought, well these other books were previous and he has grown in his writing. Nope, the eh-eh books were later publications. :(
I read a LOT. really nothing else to do beside look for a job. i try to apply to at least one company a day, sometimes several more.
The hunt continues but i am feeling positive about the convenience store job.
I cannot say I will make a post every day but probably whenever the library is open and I stop by, or until i find a job to make myself gainfully employed and occupied.

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